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Retiring to Honorary Police Chaplain

Writer: bewanyshyn91bewanyshyn91

Today, I begin a transition to join several other police chaplains in the CPCA who have served communities as law enforcement officers and now through retirement serve as police chaplains to law enforcement officers and their families. After 33.7 years of active duty with the Brandon Police Service, a ceremony was held at BPS in which I was presented a retired badge, plaque for dedicated service, and a plaque designating my future for continued service to the women and men of BPS as an Honorary Police Chaplain.

Through the speeches, presentations, and the words and prayer that I offered to my fellow peers, my emotions were kept in check, which was an answer to my prayer. God gave me the grace and liberty during my presentation to share my testimony of how Jesus took a stone cold heart of 17 years in law enforcement and replaced it with a heart of love and compassion for people, and in doing so He brought me out of darkness into the light and gave me another 17 years of healthy productive law enforcement and service to the residents of Brandon. God is the one who opened the door to the opportunity of being able to serve my peers and community through a dual role as police officer and chaplain for the past nine years. It was through that dual role that I grew the closest to those I served alongside in the trenches and it made the last nine years in law enforcement the best of my career.

As stated above, I was able to keep my emotions in check, until several hours after the ceremony, when I was ambushed by the Patrol S/Sgt, his Platoon, and civilian staff who lined the hallway as my wife and I began our departure from headquarters. I was "instructed" to radio in my 10-10 (end of tour of duty) and after doing so, received a several minute tribute over the air listing my accomplishments both as police officer for three decades and chaplain for almost a decade. What got the tears flowing was when the E911 dispatcher read Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." This was followed by her saying that not only has Constable Ewanyshyn saved lives but he has saved souls. We know it's Jesus who saves souls; we are called to be His ambassadors so that He may do the work through us and receive the glory. However, the recognition by our E911 operators that there have been divine appointments throughout my years of service was overwhelming and humbling.

The final tribute came when nine police units operating with full lights and sirens escorted my wife and I through the city to our home. I have provided many police escorts over my years of service but yesterday I was able to receive one of the ways police honor those who are part of something special - a police family. Yesterday, my badge #91 and my epaulets #91 were retired; however, my love and service to my BPS family, both retired and civilian, will never retire.

I have been invited to continue as an Instructor so I will continue to have the opportunity to meet and speak into the lives of future police officers in Manitoba. How great is our God!! Today is my first day joining my fellow brothers and sisters in chaplaincy who once served in law enforcement and now serve God and officers through dedicated chaplaincy. Thank you to all our chaplains from all backgrounds and faith beliefs for serving those who serve with excellence. You make a difference in the diverse lives of police officers every time you step into headquarters, or a coffee shop, or a police social gathering. As a retired police officer, I thank you for your service and dedication and I thank you for being part of my family in the CPCA.



Chuck Congram
Chuck Congram
May 09, 2024

12:25 PM (3 minutes ago)

Bruce-it would be difficult for me to be able to sum up in a few words how personally appreciative I am of your leadership with the Canadian Police Chaplain Association. Previously I have been aware of the impact your ministry and professional pursuit of law enforcement with Brandon has been. No amount of accolades sent your way on this occasion will be too many!!

We continue to pray that your efforts of the past combined with ways you continue to minister will  have profound impact on the lives of others who serve. In addition, I am convinced God has a smile on his face each time he thinks of you.

God's best to you! Chuck Congram.-

May 09, 2024
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Coming from a man who is so loved, admired, respected, your words go straight to my heart. I have only done a fraction of the ministry you have accomplished my friend, so thank you for your words. I don't write that by way of comparison because the Lord sets different paths/spheres of influence for each of His children. I share those words from a deep respect for all you have accomplished regarding service to God and to police officers and their families. You have made a HUGE impact with them AND with us - your CPCA family. Thank you Chuck for letting Jesus shine brilliantly through you my brother. Thank you for being true to yourself.

With respect and…


James Raddatz
May 08, 2024

Congratulations Bruce! Thank you for your untiring service to serving those who serve us.

Blessings as you enter this new chapter in life’s journey. I love the Bible verse which states; “a man’s steps are ordered of the Lord” Proverbs 20: 24.

In this new season may you discover new vista’s and have great fulfillment in doing the will of God for you and wife and family.

With great appreciation

Jim Raddatz-Chaplain, Langley RCMP

May 08, 2024
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Thank you, Jim. I receive your words. It was wonderful seeing and hearing you today on our CPCA Zoom webinar. I look forward to seeing you again. Thank you for all your service, and for supporting the CPCA.


May 08, 2024

Wow! What an incredible testimony of God's grace in your life and in turn, overflowing to others. Thank you serving so well brother. We so appreciate your ongoing leadership and direction as our CPCA President

May 08, 2024
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Thank you Scott for your kind words and thank you for attending our CPCA Webinar this afternoon. It was good to see you on Zoom. Regarding the presidency of the CPCA, I'm surrounded by an amazing team of leaders who make the task easier and enjoyable. My drive to serve comes from our chaplains who serve men and women in law enforcement across Canada with excellence. I owe it to you and the rest of our chaplains to try to make the CPCA even more relevant than what I inherited from our past great leaders. I appreciate every member of very faith background because we truly are "Stronger Together." Thank you Scott for contributing to the strength of the CPCA.…

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