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News from the CPCA Executive

Writer's picture: bewanyshyn91bewanyshyn91

Updated: Jul 2, 2021

Dear CPCA Friends & Colleagues:

It was our sincere hope that we would be able to offer a CPCA Virtual Training Seminar this coming October. However, a number of factors have led us to the difficult decision to defer our annual training event until next year. Our ATS is set to take place in Niagara Falls October 24-28, 2022. Further details will be available in early 2022 as we anticipate post-COVID in-person gatherings will be possible once again in Canada.

In the meanwhile, we are pleased to announce our Annual General Meeting will be held on Zoom on October 23, 2021, at 11:00 hours Mountain time. A notice of proposed Constitution changes will be forthcoming at least 30 days prior to the AGM for the review and vote by CPCA Members at the AGM. A vacancy in the position of 2nd Vice President of the CPCA Executive exists; thus, the CPCA in the days to come will be sending out an email with forms pertaining to the nomination process. All “members-in-good-standing” are encouraged to review and consider participating in this process; active engagement of members promotes a healthy future for the CPCA.

The CPCA Academic Standards Committee is diligently working on establishing online training modules for our CPCA Core Courses to become available through our website to augment the training available to those who can't physically attend an ATS. An announcement will take place once these courses have been established on our website.

Finally, I hope to continue to connect with police chaplains across our nation for times of prayer via Zoom through Chaplains Connect. Watch for dates on our CPCA website and emailed invitations.

Your feedback is always appreciated; thus, I have created this post on our CPCA Blog where members can post comments and provide feedback. The Blog is accessible by the general public in order to be inclusive to all police chaplains as a way of promoting the growth our of membership and expanding our knowledge and networking base.

For our CPCA members who prefer to share comments exclusively with members, I have created a similar post on our Forum page of our CPCA website which is not accessible to the general public.

Blessings to you. On behalf of our CPCA Executive team, I thank you for your membership and participation in the CPCA; you are valued and appreciated.

Kind Regards;

Bruce Ewanyshyn – CPCA President



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