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Writer's picture: bewanyshyn91bewanyshyn91

On May 3rd & 4th, your CPCA Leadership Team met in-person at the RCMP Detachment in Airdrie AB. An in-person meeting had been scheduled since 2019; however, due to COVID restrictions it had been postponed for close to three years. The team was welcomed by RCMP Superintendent Rick JANE and over the span of two days we covered a variety of topics including casting vision, greater equipping & support for our chaplains, obstacles to chaplaincy, regionalization & regional directors, future webinars, on-line certification courses, qualifications and standards for presenters, ATS versus regional training seminars, financial wellness of the CPCA, review of the PCAO pilot project, Constitution revisions, the position of ICPC Region 1 Director, and the position of Chair of Academic Standards.

Upon conclusion, the team agreed that the meetings had been intense at times. This is a group of very passionate leaders who desire to see the CPCA remain relevant, practical, and beneficial to all police chaplains across the nation. There was team consensus on many topics including the decision to move forward towards establishing CPCA geographical Regions and Regional Directors. A committee was struck to help develop this goal and to prepare a proposal for future changes to our Constitution. A second committee was struck to provide greater input and direction for the 2023 ATS in Winnipeg MB. We welcomed the return of Chaplain Katherine BOURBONIERRE as the Chair for ASC, and thanked Chaplain Brian KRUSHEL for leading this position for over a year while continuing his duties as our CPCA Registrar.

On May 3rd, CPCA President Bruce EWANYSHYN was sworn in as the ICPC Region 1 Director via FaceTime. ICPC Vice President Paul ELLIS met the CPCA Leadership Team virtually, and led the swearing in ceremony. The ICPC Region 1 Director position had been vacant for years and filling it will now provide the opportunity for Canadian police chaplaincy to have an International voice in chaplaincy.

I wish to thank all members of the CPCA Leadership Team for their hard work and dedication during our two day gathering, and to our 1st VP George MADDEN for organizing the gathering. Although it was intense at times (I forgot to allow for a break during the first morning session), the meetings were productive and encouraged relationships to develop where our strengths and weaknesses were highlighted. We need each other, and we are better together. There were topics I thought I had figured out prior to the meeting only to change my mind and direction after hearing from team members who shared a different perspective borne from a wealth of experience and knowledge. On behalf of the CPCA Leadership Team, I wish to thank our CPCA Members for supporting this in-person gathering which had been brought to our Membership for approval at a prior AGM. Each of us has returned with tasks to accomplish towards achieving goals that will continue to move the CPCA forward in relevancy and practicality for years to come.

I want to encourage you that it's never too soon for you to begin thinking of how you may further serve police chaplains across the nation. The volunteer Executive positions are occupied for a two year term and the position of Secretary/Treasurer will be up for re-election at our 2022 AGM in Niagara Falls. If you are influential within a geographical region, we are moving towards appointing Regional Directors in the future, bearing in mind a Constitution revision with your approval will need to precede this major change. A move to establishing regions and regional directors will provide chaplains a closer connection to leadership and help facilitate regional training seminars and in-person gatherings. If you are reading this and do not have a 2022 CPCA Membership, I encourage you to renew. If you have never held a CPCA Membership, are currently serving a police agency as a chaplain, and want to have a voice and receive certified training through a national organization, I encourage you to begin your application process today by clicking on this link.

On behalf of the CPCA Leadership Team, thank you for your support and for your membership with the CPCA - a national family of police chaplains. We welcome suggestions and inquiries from our members so please do not hesitate to contact me, or any of your CPCA Leadership Team – George MADDEN, Robert PARMENTER, Michael ROLPH, Brian KRUSHEL, John TYRRELL, Roxzena HAYDEN, and Katherine BOURBONIERRE. Thank you and God bless.

Chaplain/Constable Bruce EWANYSHYN

CPCA President



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