A few days ago, while interviewing our upcoming Human Trafficking Webinar presenter RCMP Inspector (retired) Deborah POND, I asked her if there were any chaplains who impacted her during her 35 year career in law enforcement. She responded that the one who stood out the most is now retiring ... yes, it was Chaplain Gerry McMillan whom she went on about recalling several stories in which Gerry served not just her with distinction, but also many other Members of the RCMP. She said Gerry just had a way of putting people at ease regardless of the situation and he brought peace wherever he went. We talked about the 3 R's - Reliable, Relatable, and Relevancy in chaplaincy and Gerry nailed them all. On behalf of the CPCA Executive, I offer congratulations to Rev. Gerry McMillan for serving in chaplaincy for over 27 years with the RCMP and 22 years with the OPP. It takes a special person to serve with excellence for the longevity noted through Gerry’s long-standing relationships with these two police agencies.
As President of the CPCA and a serving chaplain for just under 10 years, I wish to acknowledge and celebrate Gerry’s active participation in the CPCA for over 29 years. During a portion of those years, he served with excellence on the CPCA Executive which included a term as President. My first encounter with Gerry was at OPP Headquarters in Orillia in 2018. Gerry was the Chair for the CPCA Annual Training Seminar Planning Committee, and 2018 was the culmination of two years of planning to bring the CPCA ATS to Ontario. I was impressed by Gerry’s sense of humor and his ability to take the challenges of the day in stride while not becoming overwhelmed. I recognized how effective those traits would be in service to the Members of the OPP and the RCMP. I also appreciated that Gerry took the time to build relationship with me despite the demands of running the ATS.
Provincial Chaplain and Director of the OPP Chaplaincy Program, Fr. Mariush Runevich, shared an email with me and others on September 6th recounting the celebration of Gerry's retirement on September 5th. Fr. Mariush has given me permission to share his writings nationally with our CPCA Chaplains. Fr. Mariush Runevich wrote:
"Dear O.P.P. Chaplains and all the friends of Gerry McMillan,"
"Yesterday, on September 5, 2024 I had a chance to participate in a wonderful recognition of our O.P.P. Chaplain Gerry McMillan at the ceremony of his retirement from the Chaplaincy Program which took place at the office of our Commissioner Thomas Carrique."
"During his 22 years as O.P.P. Chaplain, Gerry played an incredible role as spiritual adviser and friend to all who had a chance to encounter him as a Chaplain."
"He is truly an icon and a great friend who helped to develop the chaplaincy program which we can enjoy and recognize as an important part of the Healthy Workplace Team today."
"I myself began my work as Chaplain 15 years ago under the wings of Gerry whose knowledge and dedication to the chaplaincy program was and is paramount."
"Today, our Chaplaincy Program is in great hands of dedicated members of our O.P.P. family."
"I would like to thank our Commander Dr. Vivien Lee, our Staff Sergeant Ryan Martin and Inspector Bret Genereux for their help in organizing this event and of their dedication to the program which truly is appreciated by all the members."
"Gerry, on behalf of our O.P.P. family we sincerely appreciate your years of dedicated service and wish you continued health and happiness."
"God Bless you my friend,"
Fr. Mariush Runevich
Provincial Chaplain
Director of the Chaplaincy Program O.P.P.
Thank you Fr. Mariush for sharing those honoring words about Gerry. The greatest priority in chaplaincy is providing emotional and spiritual care to law enforcement officers, their families and civilian staff. In doing so, a chaplain immerses themselves in trauma, heartache, and suffering. For Gerry and others who have dedicated their lives to this calling, the investment of their sacrifice is the fulfillment of meaningful relationships with the women and men who sacrifice their safety daily in order to insure peaceful and prosperous communities. As a recently retired law enforcement officer having served over 33 years, I appreciate all the times Gerry left the tranquility of his home to respond to a traumatic incident. Time after time, he traded peace for an immersion into chaos. What motivates men and women to exchange rest for unrest? For Gerry, it is a deep love, respect and admiration for First Responders and their families. I believe Gerry gains his strength and perseverance through embracing the deeper meaning of the context of words such as these; “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” [1 Corinthians 13:13]. To serve law enforcement officers is both an honor and a privilege; two intangibles that are not experienced by most persons within our society. Gerry has treasured the opportunities through chaplaincy and leaves with decades of fond memories.
Thank you, Rev. Gerald (Gerry) McMillan; I celebrate one who has served those who serve with excellence. Again, on behalf of the CPCA Executive, all the best to you and your family as you take more time to forge new family memories with your five grandchildren in the years to come. Also, all the best to you as you continue in service as chaplain with the Toronto and Georgian Bay RCMP Veteran's Associations. The Vets are blessed to continue to count upon your service.
In celebration,
Rev. Bruce Ewanyshyn
CPCA President
ICPC Director of Region 1
Gerry was my shift partner at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics and there are 3 memorable experiences from our time together. You only get to ask him about one of these so you choose which it will be.
Jim Turner's heat seeking missile bananas.
Gerry's support for a Russian figure skater.
The Ashby family's cinnamon buns.
It was a great time!
Gerry loved his chaplaincy work and it appears obvious that he had a significant impact. Gerry- Enjoy the change of pace!!